Accessible Intuition: A solo Exhibition

My first solo exhibition is entitled, “Accessible Intuition” and is viewable from May - June 2023 at Eno Arts Mill in Hillsborough, NC.

“Accessible” because most, if not all, of my works, which include traditional canvases and found objects, are thrifted, secondhand, donated or on sale. 

“Intuition” because their automatic linework is composed of random, unplanned movements.

The work in this show is the outpouring of my processing, manifesting, aching, grieving, and celebrating! Themes include: my unique existence in a trans body, grieving and celebrating in a Black body, aching and hoping in a queer body. I hope you see in it what YOU need to see, and they want you to be able to face whatever that is. Use these pieces to look deeper into yourself and take from them what you need. 




Uproar Festival of Public Art